序号 | 姓名 | 成果 种类 | 级别 | 成果名称(内容) | 刊物或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期 或出版时间 |
| 陈鹏玉,李永祥, 张旭萍 | 论文 | A1 | On the initial value problem of fractional stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces | Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis | 2015,14(5), 1817-1840 |
| 高承华,马如云 | 论文 | A1 | Eigenvalues of discrete linear second-order periodic and antiperiodic eigenvalue problems with sign- changing weight | Linear Algebra and its Applications | 2015,467,40-56 |
| 巩增泰*,张璐, 朱新运 | 论文 | A1 | The statistical convergence for sequences of fuzzy-number-valued functions | Information Sciences | 2015,295 182-195 |
| 刘建成,独力,张娟 | 论文 | A1 | Minimality on biharmonic space-like submanifolds in pseudo-Riemannian space forms | Journal of Geometry and Physics | 2015,92: 69-77 |
| 马巧珍,徐玲 | 论文 | A1 | Random attractors for the extensible suspension bridge equation with white noise | Computers and Mathematics with Applications | 2015,70, 2895-2903 |
| 马如云 代国伟,马如云* | 论文 | A1 | Unilateral global bifurcation for p-Laplacian with non-p−1-linearization nonlinearity | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems | 2015, 35(1), 99-116 |
| 马如云 代国伟,马如云*, 王海燕 | 论文 | A1 | Partial differential equations with robin boundary condition in online social networks | Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B | 2015,20(6), 1609-1624 |
| 马如云,陈瑞鹏, 路艳琼 | 论文 | A1 | Coexistence states of an elliptic system modeling a population with two age groups | Computers & Mathematics with Applications | 2015,69, 1263-1271 |
| 师海忠 王国亮(第1研究生) 师海忠*,侯斐斐, 白亚兰 | 论文 | A1 | Some conditional vertex connectivities of complete- transposition graphs | Information Sciences | 2015,295: 536-543 |
| 师海忠,师越 | 论文 | A1 | Cell-breeding graph model for interconnection networks | Discrete Applied Mathematics | 20150109 |
| 师海忠,师越 | 论文 | A1 | Random graph languages | Theoretical Computer Science | 20150628 |
| 孙小春 | 论文 | A1 | Uniqueness of weak solutions for fractional Navier-Stokes equations | Front. Math. China | 2015, 10(1) |
| 孙小春 | 论文 | A1 | Strichartz estimates for parabolic equations with higher order differential operators | 中国科学英文版 SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics | 2015,58(5) |
| 王才士 康元宝(第1研究生) 王才士 | 论文 | A1 | Quantum Stochastic Integral Representations on Interacting Fock Space | Journal of Theoretical Probability | 2015,28(3), 1007-1027 |
| 熊向团 李金梅(第1研究生) 熊向团* | 论文 | A1 | Semi-discretization Difference Approximation for a Cauchy Problem of Heat Equation in Two-dimensional Space | Journal of Partial Differential Equations | 2015,28(4), pp. 315-331 |
| 熊向团*,范晓燕, 李明 | 论文 | A1 | Spectral method for ill-posed problems based on the balancing principle | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | 2015,23(2), 292-306 |
| 熊向团,范晓燕, 李明 | 论文 | A1 | Spectral method for ill-posed problems based on the balancing principle | Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering | 2015.23.2. 292-306 |
| 杨晓燕,丁南庆 | 论文 | A1 | The homotopy category and derived category of N-complexes | Journal of Algebra | 2015,426 430-476 |
| (姚海元) 李秋丽,邵慰慈, 姚海元 | 论文 | A1 | Matching preclusion for cube-connected cycles | Discrete Appl. Math. | 2015,190-191, pp 118-126 |
| 姚海元,张和平* | 论文 | A1 | Non-matchable distributive lattices | Discrete Math. | 2015,338, pp 122-132 |
| 陈鹏玉 张旭萍,陈鹏玉 | 论文 | A2 | Nontrivial solutions for Neumann boundary value problem of second order impulsive integro-differential equations in ordered Banach spaces | Dynamic Systems and Applications | 2015, 24(4): 439-450 |
| 陈鹏玉,李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | Nonlocal Cauchy problem for fractional stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces | Collectanea Mathematica | 2015,66(1),63-76 |
| 陈鹏玉,李永祥, 张旭萍 | 论文 | A2 | Existence and uniqueness of positive mild solutions for nonlocal evolution equations | Positivity | 2015,19,927-939 |
| 陈鹏玉,张旭萍, 李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | A note on the initial value problem of fractional evolution equations | Advances in Difference Equations | 2015,155,8 pp |
| 陈天兰,马如云 | 论文 | A2 | Solvability for some boundary value problems with discrete | Advances in Difference Equations | 2015, 139 201506 |
| 陈祥恩 郭靖(第1研究生) 陈祥恩, 王治文, 姚兵 | 论文 | A2 | Total vertex irregularity strength of certain equitable complete m-partite graphs | Ars Combinatoria | 2015,123: 407–418 |
| 陈祥恩,李泽鹏 | 论文 | A2 | Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper Edge Colorings of Planar Bipartite Graphs with D=9, 10, 11 | Information Processing Letters | 2015,115(2): 263-268 |
| 陈祥恩,李泽鹏 | 论文 | A2 | Adjacent-Vertex-Distinguishing Proper Edge Colorings of Planar Bipartite Graphs with D=9, 10, 11 | Information Processing Letters | 2015.115.2. 263-268 |
| 狄振兴 | 论文 | A2 | Stability of Gorenstein flat categories with respect to a semidualizing module | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | 2015,45(6) 1839-1859 |
| 杜小妮,王国辉* 魏万银 | 论文 | A2 | 周期为2p2的四阶二元广义分圆序列的线性复杂度 | 电子与信息学报 | 2015,37(10) 2490-2494 |
| 冯斌华,蔡圆 | 论文 | A2 | Concentration for blow-up solutions of the Davey-Stewartson system in | Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. | 2015,26, 330-342 |
| 冯斌华,赵敦 | 论文 | A2 | Global well-posedness for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with energy-critical damping | 2015,6 | |
| 冯斌华,赵敦, 孙春友 | 论文 | A2 | Homogenization for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with periodic nonlinearity and dissipation in fractional order spaces | Acta Mathematica Scientia Ser. B Engl. Ed. | 2015,35(3), 567-582 |
| 伏升茂 李小娟(第1研究生) 伏升茂 | 论文 | A2 | Global stability of a virus dynamics model with intracellular delay and CTL immune response | Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences | 2015,38(3) 420-430 |
| 高承华 王静(第1研究生) 高承华 | 论文 | A2 | Positive solutions of discrete third-order boundary value problems with sign-changing Green’s function | Advances in Difference Equations | 2015:56 |
| 巩增泰 马沃(第1研究生) 巩增泰* | 论文 | A2 | Muawya Elsheikh Hamid, Zeng-Tai Gong, The characterizations of McShane integral and Henstock integrals for fuzzy-number-valued functions with a small Riemann sum on a small set | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 2015,19(5) 830-836 |
| 巩增泰*,刘晓霞, 冯雪 | 论文 | A2 | Almost ideal statistical convergence and strongly almost ideal lacunary convergence of sequences of fuzzy numbers with respect to the Orlicz functions | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 2015,19(5) 418-425 |
| 巩增泰*,张晓霞 | 论文 | A2 | On characterization of soft fuzzy rough sets based on a pair of implicators | Fundamenta Informaticae | 2015,137 457-491 |
| 韩晓玲, 黄娟娟 | 论文 | A2 | The Generalized Green’s Function for Boundary Value Problem of Second Order Difference Equation | Journal of Function Spaces | 2015,Article ID 201946, 7 pages |
| 李永祥 张环环(第1研究生) 李永祥, 李强 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of periodic solutions for impulsive evolution equations in ordered Banach spaces | Advances in Difference Equations | 2015,323 |
| 李永祥 李强(第1研究生) 李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of positive periodic solutions for abstract evolution equations | Advances in Difference Equations | 2015,135 |
| 李永祥 李强(第1研究生) 李永祥 | 论文 | A2 | Monotone iterativete chnique for second order delayed periodic problem in Banach spaces | Appl. Math. Comput. | 2015,270: 654-664 |
| 李永祥,尚亚亚 | 论文 | A2 | An existence result of positive solutions for fully second-order boundary value problems | Journal of Function Spaces | 2015,Article ID 287253 |
| 李永祥,张环环 | 论文 | A2 | Positive doubly periodic solutions of telegraph equations with delays | Boundary Value Problems | 2015,97 |
| 刘建成,独力 | 论文 | A2 | Classification of proper biharmonic hypersurfaces inpseudo-Riemannian space forms | Differential Geometry and its Applications | 2015,41: 110-122 |
| 马如云 高红亮(第1研究生) 马如云 | 论文 | A2 | Multiple positive solutions for a class of Neumann problems | Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations | 2015,48,1-7 |
| 马如云,高红亮 | 论文 | A2 | Positive convex solutions of boundary value problems arising from Monge-Ampère equations | Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2015,259, 390-402 |
| 马如云,路艳琼 | 论文 | A2 | Multiplicity of positive solutions for second order nonlinear Dirichlet problem with one-dimension Minkowski-curvature operator | Advanced Nonlinear Studies | 2015,15,789–803 |
| 马如云,张露 | 论文 | A2 | Construction of lower and upper solutions for first-order periodic problem | Boundary Value Problems | 2015,190,1-8 |
| 马如云,张露, 刘瑞宽 | 论文 | A2 | Existence results for nonlinear problems with f-Laplacian | Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations | 2015,22,1-7 |
| 缪树鑫 曹阳(第1研究生) 缪树鑫* | 论文 | A2 | A relaxed splitting preconditioner for generalized saddle point problems | Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2015:34(3), 865-879 |
| 缪树鑫 | 论文 | A2 | On preconditioned GAOR methods for weighted linear least squares problems | Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications | 2015:18(2), 371-382 |
| 任伟,刘仲奎 | 论文 | A2 | Balance of Tate cohomology in triangulated categories | Applied Categorical Structures | 2015,23, 819-828 |
| 陶双平 禄光辉(第1研究生) 陶双平* | 论文 | A2 | Boundedness of commutators of Marcinkiewicz integrals on nonhomogeneous metric measure spaces | Journal of Function Spaces | 2015, Article ID 548165, 12 pages |
| 汪璇,段奋霞, 马群,杨光 | 论文 | A2 | 带衰退记忆的经典反应扩散方程的强全局吸引子 | 数学年刊 | 2015,36(A): 265-276 |
| 王才士*,王文玲, 卢向英 | 论文 | A2 | Limit theorem for a time-inhomogeneous three-state quantum walk on the line | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience | 2015,12, 5164-5170 |
| 王才士,陈金淑 | 论文 | A2 | Characterization Theorems for Generalized Functionals of Discrete-Time Normal Martingale | Journal of Function Spaces | 2015, 714745, 6 pp |
| 王才士,陈金淑 | 论文 | A2 | Convergence Theorems for Generalized Functional Sequences of Discrete-Time Normal Martingales | Journal of Function Spaces | 2015年, 360679, 7 pp |
| 王才士,卢向英, 王文玲 | 论文 | A2 | The stationary measure of a space-inhomogeneous three-state quantum walk on the line | Quantum Information Processing | 2015, 14(3), 867-880 |
| 熊向团 孔艳凤(第1研究生) 李振平,熊向团* | 论文 | A2 | An Inverse Diffraction Problem: Shape Reconstruction | East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics | 2015,5(4), 342-360 |
| 熊向团,石万霞, 韩耀宗 | 论文 | A2 | A one-dimensional inverse problem in composite materials: Regularization and error estimates | Applied Mathematical Modelling | 2015,39, 5480-5494 |
| 徐玲,马巧珍 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of the uniform attractors for a non- autonomous modified Swift-Hohenberg equation | Advances in Difference Equations | 2015, 153,11 pp. |
| 徐玲,马巧珍 | 论文 | A2 | Existence of random attractors for the floating beam equation with strong damping and white noise | Boundary Value Problems | 2015, 126,13 pp. |
| 杨晓燕 | 论文 | A2 | Model structures on triangulated categories | Glasgow Math. J. | 2015,57 263-284 |
| 杨晓燕 | 论文 | A2 | Gorenstein categories G(X,Y,Z) and dimensions | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics | 2015,45 2043-2064 |
| 杨晓燕,汪军鹏 | 论文 | A2 | The existence of homotopy resolutions of N-complexes | Homology, Homotopy and Applications | 2015,17 291-316 |
| 姚兵 杨超(第1研究生) 姚兵,任韩 | 论文 | A2 | A Note on Graph Proper Total Colorings with Many Distinguishing Constraints. | Information Processing Letters | 2015,DOI: 10.1016/ j.ipl.2015.11.014 |
| 张春霞 | 论文 | A2 | Relative and Tate cohomology of Ding modules and complexes | J. Korean Math. Soc. | 2015, 52(4) 821-838 |
| 张春霞,刘仲奎 | 论文 | A2 | Rings with finite Ding homological dimensions | Turkish Journal of Mathematics | 2015, (39) 37-48 |
| 张春霞,王利民, 刘仲奎 | 论文 | A2 | Ding projective modules with respect to a semidualizing bimodule | Rocky Mountain J. Math. | 2015,45(4) 1389-1411 |
| 张国宝,马如云 | 论文 | A2 | Existence, uniqueness and stability of traveling wavefronts for nonlocal dispersal equations with convolution type bistable nonlinearity | Electronic Journal of Differential Equations | 2015,144,1-27 |
| 冯斌华,袁向霞 | 论文 | A2 | On the Cauchy problem for the Schrödinger-Hartree equation | Evolution Equations and Control Theory | 2015,4(4), 431-445 |
| 巩增泰*,柴润丽, | 论文 | A2 | Homomorphisms Between the Covering Information Systems | 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) | pp.923-927 |
| 马慧莉,冯辉, 王娇凤,丁婉菂 | 论文 | A2 | Boundedness and asymptotic behavior of positive solutions for dierence equations of exponential form | Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications | 2015,(8), 893-899 |
| 姚兵 王晓敏(第1研究生) 姚兵,马飞, 苏静,陈祥恩, 姚明 | 论文 | A2 | Hierarchical Structure and Particular Spanning Trees of Edge-bound Growing Models | 2015 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD'15) | 978-1-4673-7681-5 ©2015 IEEE 476-481. |
| 姚兵 王晓敏(第1研究生) 赵喜杨,姚兵, 刘霞,陈祥恩 | 论文 | A2 | The Evolutionary Relationships Between Tree Type of Network Models For The Internet of Things | 2015 2nd International Conference on Technological Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (ICCNEE 2015) | 2015,1157-1162 |
| 姚兵 王晓敏(第1研究生) 姚兵,马飞, 赵喜杨,苏静, 陈祥恩,姚明 | 论文 | A2 | On Composition and Decomposition of Networks. | 2015 8th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2015) | 2015,783-788 |
| 姚兵 刘霞(第1研究生) 姚兵,王晓敏, 赵喜杨,张明军 | 论文 | A2 | On Evolution Properties of E-bound Growing Network Models | Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Computers & Informatics | ISBN (on-line): 978-94-62520- 56- 1, volume 13. pp1559-1566 |
| 姚兵,刘霞, 王晓敏,赵喜杨, 姚明 | 论文 | A2 | On Directed Randomized Network Models | Proceedings of the 2015 International Symposium on Computers & Informatics | ISBN (on-line): 978-94-62520- 56-1, volume 13. pp1567-15-74 |
| 陈祥恩 黄小佳(第1研究生) 陈祥恩,王治文 | 论文 | B | d-strong total colorings of cycles when 35≤d≤ 55 | 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015,(6): 30-35 |
| 陈祥恩 李世玲(第1研究生) 陈祥恩,王治文 | 论文 | B | 完全二部图K3,n(3≤n≤17)的点可区别E-全染色 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2015,53(6): 1171-1176 |
| 陈祥恩 郭虹园(第1研究生) 陈祥恩, 王治文 | 论文 | B | mPn的顶点被多重色集合可区别的一般边染色 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2015 , 50 (2): 22-26 |
| 陈祥恩 郭靖(第1研究生) 陈祥恩, 王治文, 姚兵 | 论文 | B | 若干点不交的n阶路的并图的非正规强度 | 数学杂志 | 2015,35(3): 699-704 |
| 陈祥恩,郭虹园, 王治文. | 论文 | B | mC4的顶点被多重色集合可区别的一般边染色 | 应用数学学报 | 2015,38(3): 406–412 |
| 冯慧芳,孟玉如 | 论文 | B | 基于移动模型的车载自组织网络连通特征 | 计算机应用 | 2015,35(7): 1829-1832 |
| 巩增泰*, 冯雪 | 论文 | B | 几类基于Orlicz 函数及强缺项收敛的模糊数列空间 | 陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015,43(1),1-7 |
| 巩增泰*, 魏朝琦 | 论文 | B | 集值函数关于非可加集值测度的Choquet积分 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2015,50(4),14-23 |
| 李宝麟,苟海德 | 论文 | B | 滞后型泛函微分方程的有界变差解 | 数学杂志 | 2015,35(3) 567-578 |
| 李宝麟,魏婷婷, 申振宇 | 论文 | B | 脉冲滞后泛函微分方程的平均化 | 应用数学 | 2015,28(1) 83-91 |
| 刘建成,田小强 | 论文 | B |
| 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015,51(1) 124-128 |
| 刘信生,邓卫东, 陈祥恩,姚兵 | 论文 | B | 图合成的邻点可区别E-全染色 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2015,53(1): 49-53 |
| 刘信生,邓卫东, 王志强 | 论文 | B | 直积图邻点可区别E-全染色的一些结论 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2015,50(2): 5-8 |
| 马巧珍 张彦军(第1研究生) 马巧珍* | 论文 | B | 非经典反应扩散方程在 | 数学物理学报 | 2015,35 A( 2): 294-305. |
| 马巧珍 雍鸿雄(第1研究生) 马巧珍*,常亚亚 | 论文 | B | Existence of pullback attractors for non-autonomous suspension bridge equations, | 四川大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015, 52(2): 255-261 |
| 乔虎生,文海存 | 论文 | B | 关于序主弱平坦S-系的一个推广 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2015,50(12) 109-120 |
| 乔虎生,杨丽丽 | 论文 | B | On some new characterization ofpure epimorphisms | 兰州大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015,51(3) 418-421 |
| 乔虎生,郑奇莲 | 论文 | B | The characterization of n-regular monoids by flatness property | 数学杂志 | 2015,35(3), 499-504 |
| 师海忠,白亚兰, 王国亮,胡艳红 | 论文 | B | 一类新的互连网络:三角塔网络 | 工程数学学报 | 2015,32(1): 107-115 |
| 师海忠,师越 | 论文 | B | 关于互连网络群论模型的一簇猜想 | 计算机科学 | 2015,42(11A): 245-246,279 |
| 陶双平,王萍 | 论文 | B | Calderon-Zygmund 算子及交换子在非齐度量测度空间上的 Morrey 空间中的有界性 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2015, 53(6): 1073-1080 |
| 汪璇, 马群 | 论文 | B | 带阻尼项的非自治2D Navier-Stokes方程的一致吸引子 | 吉林大学学报(理学版) | 2015,53(6): 1086-1092 |
| 王占平 朱荣民(第1研究生) 王占平 | 论文 | B | n阶三角矩阵环上的Gorenstein投射模与维数 | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2015,50(12), 85-92 |
| 姚兵 王晓敏(第1研究生) 赵喜杨,姚兵 | 论文 | B | 应用TFLS算法寻找SBEGN模型具有最多叶子的生成树 | 大连理工大学学报 | 2015,55(6), 650-656 |
| 姚兵 张婉佳(第1研究生) 刘霞,姚兵 | 论文 | B | 一类增长网络模型的生成树 | 厦门大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015,54(4), 497-501 |
| 姚兵 刘霞(第1研究生) 姚东任,姚兵, 张婉佳 | 论文 | B | 探讨无标度网络(图)的平衡集 | 中山大学学报(自然科学版) | 2015,Vol.54(1), 19-23 |
| 张春霞 翟晓蕊(第1研究生) 张春霞 | 论文 | B | Strongly Cartan-Eilenberg Gorenstein projective and injective complexes | 山东大学学报(理学版) | 2015,50(12) 65-72 |
| 陈祥恩 | 著作 | A | 图的可区别染色引论 | 中国科学技术出版社 | 2015年11月 |
| 韦程东,张俐杰, 雒晓良 | 教材 | B | 应用高等数学理论及应用 | 新华出版社 | 2015年6月 |